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10 October 2021

Not yet… but soon!

Sadly we won't be putting on a show this Christmas. We had looked at doing a shorter pantomime, or a musical revue of past shows, but with the restrictions still in place for the hall audience numbers and the guidelines for covid safe rehearsals for amateur performances, it would have meant the show would not be up to our usual standards.
We will be back in the summer, revisiting a little war torn cafe in France and we are really looking forward to putting on our biggest panto yet for our 30th show in Christmas 2022.
We will miss entertaining you all this Christmas, and hearing your laughter and applause, but we will see you soon, and as a certain French café owner would say........à bientôt.

Categories: Panto | General

22 July 2021

Annual General Meeting 2021

Annual General Meeting

Thursday 26th August 2021 @ 7.45pm
Annual General Meeting

At the AGM we'll provide an update on how the recent circumstances have affected the club this year, and our plans looking ahead for the rest of the year and into 2022.  We'll also provide the usual update on finances and the accounts.
We are always looking for new members to join the committee to allow us to continue putting on productions to the high standard we are known for. Our club members have a wide range of talents, from acting, singing, set painting, costume making, lighting and sound, painting, set construction and prop making. If you feel you can help us in any way, whether back stage or on stage we still need you for when we're allowed to get back to some normality!
The AGM will run from 7.45pm.  Due to the current restrictions the AGM will take place in the hall and we will ensure that any covid-safe requirements are adhered to.  We are also asking all those attending to let us know by completing the online registration form.  We hope you'll be able to come along and look forward to seeing you there.
Kerwin Robertson
Culter Theatre Club

Categories: AGM

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Cinderella 2024

Performance Tickets
Wed 4th December Available
Thursday 5th December Available
Friday 6th December Available
Saturday 7th December (Matinée) Available
Saturday 7th December Available

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Updated 23rd October 2024.


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