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21 February 2015

From Judge to Buttons

Kerwin Robertson, Matthew Daldry, Tom Forbes

Every year Culter Theatre Club presents our "Rita Hunter Award" to someone in the club in recognition of the work they've done over the previous year.

This year the award was presented at our DVD night, and the committee decided that the deserving recipient would be Matthew Daldry for his brilliant performances, both in the youth play "Big Bad & Little Red" earlier in 2014 where he played the Judge, and also for his excellent transformation as Buttons in our annual panto, Cinderella last December.

Matthew was presented with his award by our Chairman Kerwin Robertson, and Cinderella director, Tom Forbes. Well done Matthew!

Categories: Awards | Cinderella

4 December 2014

Cinderella Shall Go To The Ball

Cinderella's Shoe

Well that's the first show over, and we had great fun - we hope our audience tonight enjoyed it too.

We will have lots of photo's for you after the show's finished on Saturday, but we don't want to spoil the surprise for all you who haven't seen it yet. So for the moment this is all we're giving you!!

We're such a tease.

Categories: Cinderella | Panto

26 October 2014

Cinderella Tickets Available!

Update:  Sorry we are now SOLD OUT!

It's that time of year again, and tickets for this years Culter Panto, "Cinderella" are on sale from Monday 27th October, by contacting the Village Hall.  Just pop in or telephone 01224 734371 to get yours. 

We've been working very hard in rehearsals, and we're sure that you're going to enjoy this hilarious show - there's something for kids and adults alike!

So remember - don't delay, book today!  Tickets always sell out very fast so don't wait until it's too late, or you might miss this years fantastic show!

Categories: Cinderella | Panto | Tickets

9 August 2014

Cinderella Auditions Announced


Well, we hope you're enjoying your summer, taking it easy, going on holiday (we've certainly had some brilliant weather the past few weeks), however we're now nearing the end of the holidays, and that means it's time to start thinking about this year's panto - so what time is it?  Yes - it's audition time!

So, if you've ever thought you'd like to have a go on stage, now's the time to come along and show us your stuff - and then you too could be up there in this years Culter Theatre Club production of Cinderella.  We've got great plans as always for the show, and whether you want one of the main parts, a supporting role, or just to be one of our great chorus, young or old, we'd love for you to come along.  So add a date to your diary today:

AuditionsThursday 21st or Tuesday 26th August
Culter Village Hall

Children aged 10-16: 7pm-8:30pm
Adults & Over 16s: 8:30pm-10pm

Excerpts from the script will be available on the night (you don't have to memorise it!).

You can also print out an auditions poster and let everyone know they're on!

Categories: Auditions | Cinderella | Panto

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Category: Cinderella

Allo Allo 2: The Camembert Caper

Performance Tickets
Fri 14th June Sold Out
Sat 15th June Sold Out
Thu 20th June Available
Fri 21st June Sold Out
Fri 22nd June Sold Out

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Updated 2nd June 2024.


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